We are a family owned Norwegian investment and development company founded by Tore Engebretsen

Our investment thinking

In each era there are unique companies executing on unique visions for global emerging technologies.

We are searching out such companies to support them with capital and a long term active ownership mindset matching these visions for an enhanced success probability.

In other words, we facilitate a meeting place for great ideas and matching active owners.

The ideal entry point for investment is when a working prototype of the actual technology can be demonstrated. We then support the team through development of a scalable industrial product, and further on to an international profitable success.

Our contribution is financial, technical, go-to-market and organizational - by ourselves or with closely associated experienced persons.

We always take one or two board positions; Chairman (CoB) and/or Board Member (BM).

Tore Engebretsen, founder

Tore Engebretsen has extensive experience in establishing companies. He co-started and led the listed Vmetro from 1986 to 2003.

Tore is currently chairman of Kontur, ODI Medical, Squarehead Technology, Tørn and Xplora Technologies.

Tore has previously been a board member or Chairman or Board Member of a number of listed companies such as Nordic Semiconductor (CoB), Profdoc (BM), Nera (BM) and Vmetro (CoB).

He holds cand real grade in theoretical physics from the University of Oslo.

Mariano A. Ramirez, CEO

Mariano started his career in DNB back in 1997 and concluded his DNB career in 2020. In this period he had several leading positions as senior advicer and manager in DNB.

He was head and founder for the team/project that developed the Family Office concept in DNB from 2011 and was Head of Oslo & Family Office in DNB Private Banking when he chose to move on to Söderberg & Partners Wealth Management in 2020.

In Söderberg & Partners Wealth Management he had a position from 2020 until 2022 as partner/Head og Family Office with responsibility for development of the Norwegian Family Office concept.

Mariano holds an economics degrees from UIO and IMD, plus Top Management program in DNB direction. He also holds a Master of Business Administration (MBA) in Economics from the University of Oslo (UIO).

Tore and Mariano have a professional history together since 1997. Mariano has been employed by Passesta since February 2022.